aimless meanderings and random thoughts

Friday, May 20, 2011

News to me

So I rekindle my relationship with this, my own little piece of the interweb. It's a Friday evening, and for the first time in a long time, I have some free time to do what I want.


What to do...what to do.

Exactly what I thought I would end up doing. Wasting my time.

You see, I have a regimented day of running around, doing tasks no one really wants to do, and generally finding that I don't have enough time in the day to do what I want to do.
Then, I have time to do what I want, and I waste it.

Or maybe that's the point. The wasting of time is exactly what I want to do.

Because I so very rarely have time to waste.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Well shit, here I am again. Let's see what happens next...

I'm a doctor now bitches.

Monday, July 03, 2006

No apologies

Posting again after a LOOOOONG hiatus. Spring kept me pretty bust, and now my second year (and the USMLE step 1) are behind me, nothing more than unpleasant memories.

I would never repeat the second year of medical school. Never.

Back in a bit.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A well deserved break

I have had a chance this week to catch up on some much needed sleep, as well as spend time with friends and family. Living a real life for a few days has been great. I really needed to put the books aside for a while and just relax.

I also registered for USMLE Step 1, which kind of makes it a reality that I will actually be taking the test this summer. Not like I could avoid it, but I'm not really looking forward to it, other than to put it in the past and move on with my life/education.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Here I am again. I seriously doubt that anyone even looks at this thing anymore.

Well, I've attempted to cram an entire semester's worth of material into my head in one 12 hour marathon of studying (which is no-where near my record). I guess we'll see how I do tomorrow, considering I hadn't looked at any of this material until tonight. It's kind of a fluff class anyway, sort of an introductory clinical exam class.

If I get spanked tomorrow, it will show that this was a POOR strategy. But what was I to do? Put off pathology (which I am absolutely smoking) and a microbiology cumulative final for some minor class? I don't think so.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Well, here I am again, ridiculously overdue in actually publishing something on this little slice of the internet.

For those who care, I've been ridiculously busy with school. This year imposes quite a bit more in the way of time demands, along with a great deal of very important material that I actually feel I should understand, rather than memorize and regurgitate for an exam.

Anyway, I'm midway through the fall semester, and only six weeks of class remain before finals. Unbelievable. Seems like boards (USMLE Step 1) are just around the corner.

And if you think I've been unavailable up until now, just wait until this spring. I'll be a veritable hermit, as I'll be preparing for arguably the most important test of my medical career.

Time to get in some more microbiology..... no rest for the stupid.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Oh great..

In studying for my psychiarty exam tomorrow, I have successfully diagnosed myself with at least two disorders tonight.

Classical Medical Student syndrome.


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